Kamis, 21 November 2013

AN13 behind the scene

sebagai mahasiswa baru di Universitas Udayana, saya mendapat banyak teman-teman baru, yang untung nya sangat supel dan mudah bergaul, khas anak FISIP. selain supel, teman-teman ku juga sangat expresif dan mungkin sedikit rabun sehingga aku bisa memotret mereka dari jarak dekat, tanpa mereka sadari. semua foto-foto ini diambil secara candid, karena saya ingin menangkap momen dan expresi yang sealami mungkin dari mereka. dan inilah, foto-foto yang saya kumpulkan selama 3 hari.

semua foto-foto diatas diambil di kost salah satu teman saya, yang dijadikan basecamp anak laki-laki di kelas saya. bisa dilihat kegiatan utama yang terjadi adalah bermain laptop, lebih tepat nya bermain PES, permainan anak laki jaman sekarang. foto di bawah diambil di kelas, saat tidak ada dosen. dan kegiatan utama yang dilakukan adalah... gageting (main hape). memang terkesan kurang produktif, tapi saat ini memang tidak banyak tugas untuk dikerjakan. inilah realitas kelas saya, yang jujur dan apa adanya.

Minggu, 17 November 2013

the Japan Festival of Udayana

surrounded by death
17 november kemarin saya mengunjungi acara pameran kebudayaan Jepang yang bertajuk DJAFU (the Japan Festival of Udayana. acara diadakan di desa budaya kertalangu, Denpasar. jujur saja saya bukan penggemar fanatik kebudayaan Jepang, walaupun memang saya menyukai beberapa judul Anime nya. tujuan saya kesana adalah untuk menemani adik saya dan teman-teman nya yang sangat menggemari hal-hal berbau Jepang. karena saya tidak banyak mengerti apa yang dibicarakan adik saya dan teman-teman nya, maka saya memutuskan untuk berkeliling dan mencoba mencari hal yang dapat dipotret. inilah beberapa hasil yang saya dapat dan di edit dengan konsep hitam putih #loveBW
untuk yang belum tau, orang-orang berbaju meriah ini adalah para pemain cosplay, yaitu mereka yang menggunakan kostum tokoh anime favorit mereka serta menirukan tingkah polah nya.




ghost's sister

bringing death


sebenarnya masih banyak cosplayer dengan dandanan yang lebih meriah dengan warna warni yang ceria. namun entah kenapa hari ini saya lebih ingin memotret hitam-putih, jadi saya mencari subjek yang lebih kalem dan netral. waktu juga menjadi masalah, karena saat saya tiba hari sudah menjelang siang yang sangat menyulitkan untuk mendapatkan foto yang sesuai harapan. semoga lain kali suasana dapat lebih mendukung :)

Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

Balinese High Priest Funeral

Sunday, June 23rd 2013, my grandmother passed away. she is a high priest of Balinese Hindu, so the funeral take a lot of time and complicated ceremony to do. the main ceremony occur at July 26th, and we still have several small ceremony to complete it, the last was held on august 6th. i really wish to photograph everything because ceremony like this is not usual, maybe i will not see something like this in next 10 years. yet, as the eldest grandson of her, i must take the main part in the most critical (and beautiful) ceremony. so i can shot only in some small preparation ceremony. so then, here are they;

picture above is the "ngereka kajang" ceremony. it's a ceremony to simulate or "create" my grandmother's body by using some other thing as symbol. all member of family must take a part. by the way, the picture is NOT arrange by date. i forget them, there's to many of date to remember.

3 pictures above is "bungan jaja", offering for the god to make she pleased. to do that, the most beautiful girl and handsome boy are chosen carefully. but in my case, we don't use the boy and replace he with woman high priest from another relative family, because this is funeral of woman high priest.

top to bottom: Rejang dance, Baris Dance, Topeng (mask) Dance. i will have article about the mask dance soon :)
my grandmother's bath ceremony, the white and yellow cloth in the centre of image is my grandmother's "coffin",  she is in there. old man at the top with big hat is my grandfather. besides him is another woman high priest from another temple.

above: my villager walk to holly fountain in my village to take holly water, 2nd, 3rd and 4th image is "departure" ceremony for the water in my home, and 5th image is a snap of simple Balinese Hindu offering. the last one is "dalang", player of balinese traditional puppet show, "wayang"
my grandfather, in his main holy suit, leading one of the ceremony.

my grandfather's sister, helping to make some complicated offering.

giant ox doll, or "lembu" in Indonesian, part of the long parade that accompany my grandmother's coffin to her funeral place.

some artistic snap, just love to see it :) the top image is base of the giant ox doll and the coffin carrier, called "bade". it's where people grab to lift them

my grandmother's coffin carrier. look like tower, isn't it? note someone that hang in front of that

my grandfather

and finally, my grandmother :'

as i say, i cannot  photograph most of the state-of-the-art ceremony because i must take a part in them. but i have page of Balinese "standard" funeral in here. i hope this article give you more information about Balinese ceremony :)